It's always slow at the office at the end of the year as all our customers go on vacation. Even more so this year with the conspicuous lack of orders in the face of global uncertainty. So the department managers turn a blind eye as everyone whiles away the day browsing random websites and watch YouTube videos. I'd already gotten in on the Facebook thing a while back. While it's fun to see what all the high school folks I haven't kept up with are up to, I don't really have enough Net-friends for Facebook to occupy that much time by itself. And let's not even bother with the MySpace cesspool.
So much for the social network. Of course that means nobody's reading my Internet blatherings either, but that's never been my primary motivation anyhow. Unfortunately laziness is a prime mover of my works which means I never quite get around to putting out as many of these masterpieces as I'd like. On the other hand, updating the one-liner status field at Facebook does make for a nice little procrastinatory diversion when I get into work in the morning. Maybe what I really need is the enforced brevity of micro-blogging, and Twitter is the site leading the fad. So I signed myself up for yet another account and here we go with the pithy 140-character comments. Should work nicely with the iPhone 3G-access on-the-go Internet-everywhere lifestyle.
The question, as always, is now what do I talk about?
Who knows, but I'm forging ahead. But fear not, loyal visitors of this quiet Internet backwater. My weekend project is to fully integrate the Twitter updates into the main blog page so you'll be presented with the complete PersonalDork experience, hoping that doesn't send y'all away screaming into the night.
I've even set up Twitterfeed to notify the blog updates on Twitter, so my blog post about Twitter will be Twittered and the tweet will be shown on the blog. How quirky and self-referential!
Posted by mikewang on 07:05 PM