What's the difference between green beans and haricotvert at the farmers' market? About two bucks a pound.
The bastards at Ralphs are still using scabs, and even then they've had to close down the deli section for the lack of manpower. Only reason I went in was because I was out of dishwasher detergent. On the other hand, I'm not sure how shopping at non-union stores is going to help the union.
Crappy made-in-Taiwan CDs have such a thin layer of metal that I could literally see right through them. Unfortunately, so does my CD player, which has trouble detecting the CD's presence. Should've bought the CDs in Hong Kong. Best buy of the trip was definitely the Pet Shop Boys' Pop Art set. HK gets the British release, with the bonus Mix disc, and it's just cool to get all the PSB singles and hits in one box without paying import prices.
Is there a slower sports weekend than the weekend before the Super Bowl? Yawn. Then there's the wasteland between the Super Bowl and Selection Sunday. I guess it's about time to start taking Bracketology seriously.
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