My life is so boring that I'm installing computer operating systems for fun. With 10.2 coming out soon, plus various 10-only iApps, I decided to take the plunge and upgrade the Powerbook to MacOS X. Dumped the important stuff (Eudora Folder!) over to the PC before the install, of course. Got a cheap thrill out of hitting the Initialize button to wipe the hard disk before the installation.
Everything went well enough. Was worried about the speed, since my previous experience of X was on the old beige G3/266 (overclocked to 300MHz), and it was pretty pokey there. But on the G4 it's no problem, even if it's only 500MHz. Hopefully 10.2 will speed things up a bit more. Chimera works well enough as a browser (as long as there's not too much Flash), and good old Eudora is still chugging along. The new iTunes has a Rating feature, so now I'm obsessively going through the MP3s and clicking on the little stars. And it's nice to have Terminal and SSH built-in, although the fancy long file names don't lend themselves to CLI navigation. Thank goodness for tab-completion in tcsh.
Posted by mikewang on 05:57 PM