September 11, 2008

Submit Your Images For Criticism

Nikon has been working hard both technically and marketing-wise to recapture market share from Canon. As a part of their Nikon School efforts, they partnered with Flickr to create the Nikon Digital Learning Center Flickr group. Now, self-congratulatory Flickr groups are nothing new, but the Nikon DLC features Nikon-sponsored professional photographers who participate in the forum.

The most active pro of the bunch has been Richard E. Aaron. In addition to showing off his own (very nice) work, he has actively posted assignments then followed-up with critiques and suggestions to the peons.

After some threads centered around specific themes, Mr. Aaron was brave enough to throw open a catch-all thread for general criticism. After seeing him patiently wade through hundreds of good-and-not-so-good pictures from random folks, I was finally tempted to throw my hat into the ring. So what did the pro think of my little snapshot?


Richard E. Aaron Richard E. Aaron  says:

I like this because you only showed part of the subject. Showing the whole body is not needed to tell this story. Great image. I know how she feels.

Yay, he liked it! Now I feel totally justified in upgrading to the new Nikon D90 camera! Looks like I swallowed the Nikon marketing scheme hook, line, and sinker!

Posted by mikewang on 05:09 PM