March 17, 2004

Hiring Practice

The sociopathic Slashdot teenagers who hate their parents (give or take the random Indian) jumped all over the poor guy who wanted to start a family business in tech. One person did link to an author who wrote In Defense of Nepotism, but the smarmy, holier-than-thou attitude of the article wouldn't convince any jury.

Since we are clearly not going to get rid of the new nepotism anytime soon, Americans must come to terms with it. That means learning to practice it in accordance with the unwritten rules that have made it, on balance, a wholesome and positive force. If history shows anything, it is that nepotism in itself is neither good nor bad. It's the way you practice it that matters. Those who observe the hidden rules of nepotism are rewarded and praised; those who do not are punished, often savagely.

"Just deal with it" is a pretty lousy answer to any question, especially on a divisive issue like class in America.

I myself am the son of the novelist Saul Bellow, and I got my job in publishing through what might be called the neocon family network—the same network that aided John Podhoretz, William Kristol, Daniel Wattenberg, Jonah Goldberg, and Joshua Gilder, all children of well-known conservatives.

Oh, that explains it.

Posted by mikewang on 05:05 PM