December 13, 2003

3am PST, god knows when local time

Just breezed by Tokyo on the way to Taipei. Three and a half more hours of flight time. Even with the precious few extra inches of space in Deluxe Class, I still can't find a sleeping position that doesn't put some strange and uncomfortable stress on my body. So I'm giving up on sleep and hoping that my iPod's battery holds up. We're in the last row of the section, which is good in that we can lean back without guilt, but it seems like we're near an AC outlet, so there's some extra noise that's still quite audible even with the Etys in. My ear canals feel swollen and irritated since I don't usually keep the Etys stuck in for so long, but the noise is just intolerable otherwise.

Hey cool, I can totally see the lights of Japan out the window. Even 39K feet up, you can see the dense blanket of light clearly delineating the small islands below. It's been an otherwise unexciting flight so far, which is good when you're 9500m up in the air over deep ocean, I guess. The food was surprisingly good (hooray for ice cream sandwiches), the coffee and wine were expectedly wretched. Thank god for the in-flight map, the best invention ever for the obsessive-compulsive traveller. It's more entertaining than the movies, anyway. It'll be good to get in tired, since it'll be 10:30pm local time when we land.

Posted by mikewang on 12:34 AM