Woohoo, my first step into weblog navel-gazing. Thanks, Blogger. I'm surprised by the impressive array of software engineering just so people can brain-dump into the cyber-ether. I'm sure there are better tools out there (emacs?), but since I don't have shell access to the web space this will do for now. We'll see how long it takes before I get bored with this exercise.
So why am I doing this now? Well, I've got two week's worth of email that are waiting in my Inbox, and I'm too lazy/chicken to open it. The Telnet window is right there and Pine is waiting for my command. Yeah, I still do my personal email the old-fashioned way. Not sure if I'm afraid of the inbox being full or empty. Anyway, it's something for me to put off, so I'm taking advantage of the opportunity. Of course, that was what I did for my winter break (putting things off), so I should stop.
Posted by mikewang on 08:32 PM