After subsisting on a single English muffin the previous day (admittedly, I did sleep for most of the day, but still), I figured that I deserved a big breakfast. Went down to the local Jewish deli/restaurant, or what passes for a Jewish deli in San Diego, anyway. Although there are usually nicely dressed folk in yarmulkes in the area on Sabbath, thanks to the Jewish temple in La Jolla, so they do a good business. I was going to get the Spanish omlette, but the waitress reommended the Tex-Mex special, so I went with that. It was good, but the only thing Tex Mex about it was the extra pieces of avocado and the fresh salsa on the side. The actual omellete itself was a pretty ordinary bacon and cheese omellete.
In a Jewish deli.
Right around Passover time.
I'm going straight to Hell when I die, aren't I?
They were also advertising St. Patrick's day specials. Let's hear it for multiculturalism. At least they weren't selling green bagels like the grocery store. Some things are just too blasphemous to contemplate.
Posted by mikewang on 11:11 AM