Stopped by the grocery store on the way home to pick u some garlic and ginger. Didn't feel like cooking that night, though, so I figured that I'd pick up a sandwich at the deli counter. Then I realized I forgot to restock the fridge, so even though I had half a dozen different soft drinks, none of it was cold, except for the half-and-half, and I usually don't chug that straight. So do I want to pay an extra buck for a cold soda from the store cooler? How much is convenience really worth?
Turns out that the good (not-from-concentrate) orange juice was on sale, so I went with that instead of the cold soda. Being able to buy the good OJ is one of those little luxuries that make me appreciate my lot in life. Although one brand amongst Tropicana, Florida Natural, or the generic label will usually be on sale at any given time, so the price difference isn't too outrageous. Prepared food is expensive, though, especially when I pick up some regular ingredients alongside the deli items and can't help but work out the per-meal costs. I should learn to bake, considering how much I spend on breakfast pastry. One of these days I'll plug it all into Quicken and figure it all out. Not that it would actually make any difference, but I'm obsessive like that.
Posted by mikewang on 10:06 PM