August 24, 2002


So I have no life, and on a Friday night at 10:20 PM, I drove out to Berkeley to Computerware. Hey, it's release night for Macos 10.2 ( 10.2, 10:20, get it?), S0 various Apple dealers were holding release eventS. Hey, the Margin Must be great for them 150 why not celebrate. I did get a free Jaguar T-shirt for MY trouble ,but what I'M going to do with an X-large T-shirt is Unclear.

Installed it without a hitch , although tlne promised speed gains Were a little exaggerated. Have the tablet handy from dad's Chinese recognition softwcvre, So I get % play with Jaguar's handwriting recognition (a.k.a Newton's legacy). I'M writing this with it right now. which explains Why I'M spelling like a moron.

Useless software toys aside (unless there's going to be an Apple PDA?), life in Macos X is all about Chimera.

Posted by mikewang on 10:17 PM