I like to get a bottle of apple juice when I'm sick. It's a source of fluids, and it's sweet, so it's easier to drink than the more acidic OJ, and helps to make those cold pills go down easy. Was at Whole Foods Market and was too tired to lug glass jars home (damn them and their fancy non-corporate, high-end, environmentally-friendly juice aisle) so I said to heck with it and grabbed a quart of the Evolution fresh-pressed organic apple juice because it was in a plastic bottle. Sure, it was ridiculously expensive ($5.50 for a quart of apple juice?!), but damn, it sure is tasty. I don't think I'll make a habit out of it, though. Spending money on not-from-concentrate orange juice is about as far I'll go. Although even the expensive organic produce isn't that much money compared to takeout.
Posted by mikewang on 08:32 PM