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Unfortunately, even putting a plasma TV on the old credit card won't do much to create jobs. Good thing that the President is very concerned, and he's not the only one. Clearly, what's needed is a bold tax cut, which will stimulate additional economic activity and create even more tax revenue than before the tax cut. The large shareholders, which benefit the most from the elimination of the dividend tax, will spend the money and help everyone. Oh wait, we already tried that. On the other hand, it means that dad can dump his crappy municipal bond fund and put the money into dividend paying stocks. Oh, and my $25.72 in dividend payments last quarter will be safe from the IRS, too. If the dividend tax cut applies to private partnerships, then what the heck, Bush can have my vote. Self-righteous egalitarianism only goes so far.
Posted by mikewang on 08:47 PM